Click on any of the boxes below to learn more about the Church Family of Simpson Creek Baptist
Staff & Leaders
Meet the staff and members of Simpson Creek Baptist Church that help deliver God’s word every Sunday!
Our History
There is a marker in the old Baptist section of the Bridgeport Cemetery, which marks the site of the first meeting house for the Simpson Creek Baptist Church. The date on the marker is 1770. The early records of the Church states that the Church was founded and constituted by five members and was ministered to be itinerant pastors during the period between 1770 and 1780. At the Centennial Convention of the West Virginia Baptist Convention held in Parkersburg in…
What We Believe
Briefly, we stand in the mainstream of historic orthodox Christianity, basing our faith and practice on God’s Word, the perfect treasure of divine instruction. We believe… There is only one living and true God, revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe… Salvation is by God’s grace alone and is freely offered to all who receive Christ by faith as Savior and Lord, who by His death and resurrection has secured for us eternal life. We believe……
What to Expect
All are welcome to join us in worship at Simpson Creek regardless of background, affiliation, race, religion, or creed! We want God alone to be glorified in our worship, and we invite all to join us as we sing, pray, study, and fellowship together for the glory of our God! We have two services each Sunday morning: 8:45 am and 11am. These services are about an hour long. All morning we have trained and willing nursery and childcare workers. Sunday…
Where We Meet
Below are the locations that we meet at for our services.