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Revealing Christ, Renewing Lives, Reaching Out.

SCBC VBS 2024 – Breaker Rock Beach

Kenya Mission Trip 2024

Safe Return

We arrived home safely this afternoon. Looking forward to an opportunity to share the things that God has done. Remember to continue in prayer for the people of Kenya and the unrest occurring across nation. Pastor Geoffin’s return journey from Nairobi to Magori was problematic as a result of the demonstrations. The return flight he intended to take was fully booked due to people trying to avoid travel on the roads. He caught a bus, which encountered several illegal roadblocks.…

Oriti – (Goodbye)

We have completed the first leg of the trip home. The time in Kenya has flown by. God has been good. Despite protests around the country and unrest among the Gen Z. We have been safe and virtually separated from its effects. The people of Suna Magori have been welcoming and gracious, as have the people in all of the surrounding villages. Geoffin and Jackie have been spectacular hosts caring for our every need. Their family has become dear to…

Beginning Our Return

It was up early to fly out of Magori to Nairobi. We are keeping watch of the demonstrations in Nairobi. Today is supposed to provide a break in the demonstrations, which will resume tomorrow. We will not be close to downtown Nairobi, so should be relatively safe. Prayer is still appreciated.

A Busy Week

Sorry for not posting more frequently. Our second day here, we lost power and Internet for about 24 hours. Internet is only available at the hotel, which we have left before 7 am every morning except yesterday. And with the revival services we returned very late. Last night we arrived at the hotel at midnight. The morning after our arrival we went on a safari. An exciting time! The next day, we visited the church plant in Nyalganda and had…

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