Briefly, we stand in the mainstream of historic orthodox Christianity, basing our faith and practice on God’s Word, the perfect treasure of divine instruction.
We believe…
There is only one living and true God, revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe…
Salvation is by God’s grace alone and is freely offered to all who receive Christ by faith as Savior and Lord, who by His death and resurrection has secured for us eternal life.
We believe…
The New Testament church is a local body of believers, mutually committed by covenant, observing the two ordinances of Baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper.
We believe…
In the literal return of Christ to receive His own, to bring judgment on the earth, and to bring in His eternal kingdom.
We believe…
We exist for worship, growth in discipleship, fellowship, serving our community by meeting the needs of others, and winning the lost to Jesus Christ through local and worldwide mission.