

Letter to the Harrison County School Board

Harrison County School Board, Thank you for your willingness to serve our community in your duly elected position. We understand that administrative duties are difficult at this present time. The volatility and rapidly changing nature of our own culture compounds the administrative work of the school board. Therefore, while what follows is our duty as civically responsible voters, we offer it with a due measure of respect and grace for your respective offices. On April 30, 2024, the Senate President-Lieutenant…

VBS Registration

Our VBS theme this year is Spark Studios. We will kick-off VBS with a pool party at Splash Zone on Saturday, July 9, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Then, Spark Studio VBS will run Monday – Friday, July 11-15, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. To begin registering your children go to the following link:

Continuing Services – In Caution and Love

Church family, we just want to keep you up to date on the plans and decisions going forward. The deacons and pastors have decided the following: For Wednesday, December 2, Pastor Mike will have his Bible study live and livestreamed as usual at 6:30; the family study group led by Josh and Ben will be only on zoom at 6:30. Regarding this Sunday, we will have both services at 8:30 and 11, but with no communion. There will be Sunday…

Register for VBS Now!

Register your kids for SCBC’s online VBS! You can attend ANYTIME! The lessons are pre-recoreded. Each day, there will be a 5-10 minute opening and closing taking place at 11:00 AM and 11:50 AM. You can enjoy all the other elements of VBS online in between those times OR when it’s best for you and your family. You can come back to the opening and closing videos after they’ve gone live if that works best for your family. Register: HERE

VBS Registration is LIVE!

IT. IS. TIME!!! VBS registration is live TODAY!!! Remember, VBS is online this year. Our theme is “Quarantine Dream”. We’re focusing on the Kingdom come! Here’s the link: Blessings and can’t wait to share VBS with you … online! Pastor Josh

April 26, 2020 Family Project Meeting

Family Project small group, we can’t wait to see you all tonight. Here’s the link to our ZOOM meeting. Be sure to rest this afternoon and set aside some time to watch the video. Then, we’ll take right off into the discussion. Blessings and talk soon! Join Zoom Meeting: HERE Meeting ID: 826 2577 2004 Password: 002372

April 26, 2020 AWANA Talent Show

AWANA online talent show – TONIGHT!! Remember, you can go live with your talent this evening. It needs to be less than 2 minutes in total length! Can’t wait to see you all this evening! Join Zoom Meeting: HERE Meeting ID: 886 4905 1239 Password: 014772
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