

A Busy Week

Sorry for not posting more frequently. Our second day here, we lost power and Internet for about 24 hours. Internet is only available at the hotel, which we have left before 7 am every morning except yesterday. And with the revival services we returned very late. Last night we arrived at the hotel at midnight. The morning after our arrival we went on a safari. An exciting time! The next day, we visited the church plant in Nyalganda and had…

To Migori

This is our plane for the 40 minute flight to Migori. Met a group of 14 youth & chaperones going Migori to do some humanitarian work. Found out they will return on the same flights we will be on from Migori to New York.

Easter Lilies

If you would like to order one or more lilies for Easter, please use the envelopes located in the pews or call the Church Office. The cost is $10 per lily, and the deadline is Monday, March 27.

Triumphant Concert

Join us Saturday, August 13, for a free concert with the Triumphant Quartet! Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the music begins at 6:00 p.m.! Learn more about this musical group at: https://triumphantquartet.com/.
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