Children’s Ministry Communication

Children’s Ministry Communication

Parents and families, we are working toward more streamlined communication with you. One of the ways we can do that, is using a “channel” all of us can access. Some are avid Facebook users, others texts only, others want info on the website… we’re trying to do all of that in some way.

But, here’s ONE way that can meet each of those needs. You may even already use the app. It’s BAND. Here’s an invite link to the children’s ministry BAND.

Join our ‘Children’s Ministry Communications’ group on BAND – The app for groups and communities!

This app can go on your phone and desktop or laptop. I’m still very new to it as well. BUT, we are going to give it a solid, devout try!

Can you accept the invite and become a part of the Children’s Ministry Communications BAND!?

I’d like to begin using this March 1st. Join up! (It’s free as far as I can see… at least what we’re using of it!)

Blessings and talk soon!
Pastor Josh