This morning, I write with a burden and sadness in my heart over events in Nairobi yesterday. As we traveled from the airport to our hotel, we saw crowds of young people walking along the streets of the city moving towards downtown. There were honks from passersby, in support of the “Seven days of Rage,” which was planned to protest what many called an unjust tax bill. Arriving safely to our rooms, Geoffin explained some of the concerns that were raised by this bill, and the reasons people were protesting it, but I do not wish to focus on the politics of this bill. My grief is over the great upheaval and loss of life which occurred. Reports say that at least ten people were shot and killed and many more were injured. Thousands of dollars of destruction was left in the wake. Reports of more protesting are being reported today. Please pray for the people of Kenya. Pray for their government leaders that they will seek righteousness and justice. Pray the Spirit of God will move mightily to transform lives and bring peace and comfort to these people. I pray that we may be a part of the spark that brings fire of the gospel of the love of God and His peace to this people.
But in the midst of these troubles let me share the joy it has been to connect the Pastor Geoffin and tell you of our arrival in Nairobi. The weather is beautiful! Lots of sun with beautiful fluffy clouds floating overhead. There is little to no humidity and temperatures are warm and mild. Nairobi is a large city of five million people, and as such, houses many poor and lonely people. Despite the political tensions, the people have been friendly and welcoming. I even found the customs officials who flagged me coming through customs to be friendly. There were questions about my baggage weight and what I was transporting. Our church’s gift of soccer balls for the children was “taxed” and we were sent on our way.
We spent the remainder of the day resting and getting acclimated to the time change here. Day one in country is done.
To give you an idea of the difference in time. I am writing at 4:30 am. I woke refreshed a couple of hours ago. At first I attempted to go back to sleep, but after an hour of talking with God and not falling asleep, I felt led to get up and write to you all, so that I can post it while I have internet. We will leave the hotel at 6:00 am for the next leg of our trip. But, my computer which reflects your time tells me that if I were home, I would be soon preparing for bed. Good night to you all! May God bless you with a good night’s sleep.